Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Visa para recibir tratamiento médico en Estados Unidos
Visa para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico en Estados Unidos Las personas extranjeras que residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y que desean ingresar al paà s para recibir tratamiento mà ©dicoà debenà hacerlo con estatus de turista. Es decir, no hay una visa mà ©dica o una visa humanitaria. En este artà culo se informa sobre las diferentes opciones para ingresar como turista en los Estados Unidos y los problemas que pueden surgir tanto a la hora de solicitar una visa como cuando ya se tiene y se debe evitar situaciones que den lugar a su cancelacià ³n, à incluidos los casos especà ficos de tener un bebà © en Estados Unidos cuando la mam tiene estatus migratorio de turista. Ingresar como turista en Estados Unidos para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico Las siguientes opciones no aplican a los ciudadanos canadienses, para quienes estn previstas otras à reglas. Para el resto de extranjeros estas son las opciones para ingresar como turista a los Estados Unidos: La primera opcià ³n y que va a aplicar a la mayorà a de los extranjeros, es sacar la visa de turista.à tambià ©n conocida como visa B2, à de paseo o placer.à En casos de urgencia para recibir el tratamiento mà ©dico, hay un protocolo previsto en los consulados para resolver estas solicitudes cuanto antes. Es muy comà ºn que cuando se ingresa con esta visa se reciba autorizacià ³n para permanecer en los Estados Unidos 180 dà as, pero no siempre es asà . Por ello es importante verificar la fecha fijada en el I-94, conocido tambià ©n como registro de ingreso y de salida. Nunca fiarse por la fecha de expiracià ³n del visado, que realmente significa otra cosa. Si una vez que se est en el hospital la estancia necesita alargarse, puede pedirse una extensià ³n. Los hospitales generalmente ayudan con este trmite. Si por razones de causa mayor no se salià ³ de Estados Unidos a tiempo ni se pidià ³ la extensià ³n, podrà a en algunos casos pedirse la restauracià ³n de estatus. Una segunda posibilidad sà ³lo posible para mexicanos o residentes permanentes en Mà ©xico que viven a lo largo de la frontera con Estados Unidos es ingresar con una visa lser, tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce. En estos casos el lugar donde se puede recibir el tratamiento est limitado a un nà ºmero de millas a contar desde la là nea fronteriza y tambià ©n est restringido el nà ºmero de dà as que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos. Y finalmente, una tercera posibilidad es entrar como turista sin visa, por un mximo no extensible de 90 dà as. Para ello es necesario ser ciudadano de uno de la treintena de paà ses que pertenecen al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Pero hay que tener muy claro que la estancia no se puede alargar, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ms de tres meses a contar desde el dà a de entrada a EEUU.à Si se llega por avià ³n hay que solicitar previamente una autorizacià ³n para volar, que se conoce como ESTA. En estos momentos esta opcià ³n solo aplica a chilenos, espaà ±oles y tambià ©n a algunas personas con doble nacionalidad y que por esa circunstancia uno de sus pasaportes es de un paà s incluido en el VWP. Problemas para ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico En el caso de viajar sin visa por el programa que dispensa a los ciudadanos de 38 paà ses de este requisito los problemas pueden surgir de 2 formas. En primer lugar si un oficial de migracià ³n en un puerto de entrada considera que no se tienen ingresos suficientes para recibir el tratamiento y existe un riesgo de que esa persona se convierta en una carga pà ºblica.à En este caso se puede negar la entrada a Estados Unidos por ser inadmisible. El segundo problema puede surgir si los 90 dà as no son suficientes para completar el tratamiento mà ©dico y es que bajo ninguna circunstancia se puede sacar una visa en Estados Unidos o extender esa estancia de 3 meses. Por esta razà ³n se debe solicitar una visa de turista si el tratamiento va a durar ms tiempo, ya que debe evitarse quedar ms tiempo del permitido debido a sus graves consecuencias. En el caso de tener que solicitar una visa de turista los problemas pueden surgir ya al solicitarla. Es necesario ser considerado elegible para el visado y tambià ©n admisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Respecto a esto à ºltimo, es importante poder demostrar ingresos o recursos para costear el tratamiento. Hay que evitar crear la sospecha de que se va a ser una carga econà ³mica para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos si la visa es aprobada. à Por lo tanto, estar en condicià ³n de acreditar uno o varios de los siguientes medios de pago: Seguro mà ©dicoIngresos o patrimonio propio o familiarDinero aportado por el gobierno del paà s al que uno pertenece, una ONG nacional o extranjera, etc. Ni las oficinas consulares de los Estados Unidos estn autorizadas a conceder visas para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico a personas que no pueden sufragar gastos mà ©dicos ni los hospitales van ha admitir ingresos sinà asegurarse el pago. Una vez que se tiene la visa de turista, à ©sta puede ser cancelada o revocada por muchas causas. Pero la ms comà ºn es quedarse ms tiempo del permitido. à Asimismo, puede haber problemas por ingresar con demasiada frecuencia. Para evitarlo, llevar siempre prueba que acredite el tratamiento mà ©dico y el pago de facturas. El caso comà ºn de ingresarà a Estados Unidos a tener un hijo Todos los dà as entran a EEUU decenas de mujeres extranjeras en las à ºltimas fases de sus embarazos para dar a luz, o como dicen en algunos paà ses, a aliviarse. Es una prctica comà ºn y legal que brinda un gran beneficio: la ciudadanà a estadounidense para el bebà © que nace en Estados Unidos. Pero hay que tener en cuenta ciertas circunstancias, para evitar problemas con el gobierno.à De interà ©s para los pacientes de cncer y sus familiares Las estadà sticas muestran que uno de los tratamientos que ms reciben en Estados Unidos los pacientes extranjeros tiene que ver con el cncer. Estos son los topà 10 hospitalesà para tratamiento de esta enfermedad.à Muchos de ellos tienen un departamento dedicado a ayudar a los pacientes internacionales en sus gestiones y un servicio que habla espaà ±ol. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Breaking Into Features
Breaking Into Features Tired of the ââ¬Å"1,000 words for $5â⬠markets? Break out of them and into writing features. Editors pay good money for excellent writing. All it takes is solid ideas and unique angles. FEATURES AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Hard news is a magnifying glass, and features are an aerial view (i.e. CAR ACCIDENT CLAIMS 5 vs. CAR ACCIDENT VICTIMS SPEAK OUT). They present a different look at a topic with a unique spin. Word count varies, from 500 to 5,000 words, and there are many types. Interview pieces, profiles, how-to pieces and testimonials are all features. Your main market will be magazines (print and online), so your first step is research. As a practice exercise, pick out a feature piece and familiarize yourself with the topic, the content, the general style of the author and publication, the side-bars as well as the ads on the page accompanying it. Deconstructing another piece is a great way to learn to find out what makes a feature tick, or doesnt. Pick up a magazine and leaf through it, go online, or go here for a list of Pulitzer-winning features: ( Have a look at the Writers Market guide to find out who takes features. GETTING STARTED As feature writers, you are essentially selling ideas. When pitching, keep it to the point. Pitches should run no more than 250-700 words. An editor wants to know what you want to cover, how you want to cover it (including the facts and numbers!) and why you should be the writer to do it. Spell-check before hitting send (nothing worse than ending with kind retards), and learn the editors name and general style of the publication before you pitch. The writers guidelines, which are usually on the publications website or can be requested from the editor, should tell you everything you need to know. Donââ¬â¢t overdo it, and avoid trying to be ââ¬Å"fancyâ⬠. Samples and ideas should speak for you. If you impress the editor, youââ¬â¢ll receive a brief, including your word count, rate (usually per word, and always better than a ââ¬Å"content millâ⬠), topic and deadline. Make sure that you and the editor are on the same page. Get everything in writing before you start. If you arenââ¬â¢t sure, ask! THE PROCESS My first feature was for the Afrikaans womenââ¬â¢s magazine Vrouekeur (on endometriosis, an important topic for readers), and it was the first time I paid the rent with my writing. I pitched everywhere until I got it right, and when I did, writing was finally worth something. No more content mills! I went on to write many more features ââ¬â including for Moneyweb, The Investor, People Magazine SA and Writers Write. The writing process differs, but hereââ¬â¢s what works for me: à à à Pre-search Do your research first. Who can you interview, quote and source? Make sure your sources are reliable; cross-reference facts. Double-checking now is always better than an apology later. à à à Pitch Tell the editor more about you and your idea. Include examples, research and consider the famedââ¬Å"Five Wââ¬â¢s (and one H). à à à Putting it together Start off with an introduction that grabs the reader, then lead into the body. Stick to the word count; make sure it flows. à à à To the editor Send it to the editor who believed in it. Your article could be rejected, sent back for changes or accepted. Once your article gets accepted for publication, you can send your invoice. Congrats! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alex J Coyne is a South African freelance journalist, author, translator and language practitioner. He is available for hire through his blog.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discipline in the Public Schools Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discipline in the Public Schools - Assignment Example The principal disregarded Jameââ¬â¢s claim and subjected him to corporal punishment and on the account of this punishment, he and his parents went to US Supreme Court for justice. The kid and the parents lost the case and the case was ruled in the favor of the school. The judge ruled that the prohibitions that have been levied by the constitution of US in case of harsh punishment towards children were not applicable in the case of corporal punishments that take place in public schools. Case 2: Student Suspension Goss v. Lopez In case of Goss v. Lopex, the US Supreme Court established that students had a right to a hearing before they are subjected to suspension from the public school as if a hearing is not conducted; the studentââ¬â¢s right to due process is violated (Osborne, 2009, p.33). In this case, nine students including Dwight Lopez experienced suspension for around 10 days as a result of school property destruction activity. Before this case, public schools principals h ad the authority to suspend students for a period of 10 days along with a notification sent to their parents within the 24 hours of the incident. Secondly the law did not allow students to appeal to the board of education in case of suspension. This law was written off as the judges ruled that such laws violated a studentââ¬â¢s 14 amendment right of due process and a hearing before suspension was necessary. The judge even ruled that suspensions have the ability to harm a studentââ¬â¢s ability to gain employment and career advancements. Case 3: Expelled Fuller v. Decatur Public School Board Of Education In the case of Fuller v. Decatur Public School Board Of Education, Fuller along with a number of children was expelled from the school for a period of 2 years on the account of fighting that occurred between students (Osborne, 2009, p.33). Due to being expelled, Fuller appealed to the court stating that his and his associateââ¬â¢s expulsion from the educational institute was on the basis of racial profiling and they were regarded as gang members and their expulsion was not justified since they did not use any weapons. Even though no weapons were used, the fighting was very severe in nature and bystanders were even injured. The court ruled the case in the favor of the school because students failed to prove that any form of racial profiling had occurred and the expulsion was justified. Opinion in Case of Corporal Punishment In case of Ingraham v. Wright the court ruled in the favor of corporal punishment being used to discipline students. Corporal punishment is a term used to refer to the act of using severe measures in order to discipline individuals and especially students in schools. Corporal punishment in any case should be completely disregarded and the constitution should put a stop to such punishments. One of the main reasons for stopping corporal punishments is that teachers and educators are socializing agents for children and children tend to o bserve and imitate the behavior of their teachers (Nanjunda, 2008, p.23). If educationalists use corporal punishment for mistakes made by students, students will even start accepting that hitting someone or spanking another individual is a way to deal with their wrong doings and they themselves will use similar methods in their life. Corporal punishment should even be abolished in US schools because no individual can make
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business in Context (N) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business in Context (N) - Essay Example The reason that matters underneath is the economic power shift from the leading western countries to the emerging eastern countries. The BRIC received its name from Goldman chief Jim Oââ¬â¢Neil in 2001 and since then it has continuously been in the bullââ¬â¢s-eye category of economists in predicting future changes and suggesting remedies to the suffering economies. Most of the economists and analysts have already stated that by 2050, the BRIC economy especially China is going to be the biggest economy in the world (Economy Watch. 2010). This makes the reason for UK economy to consider the growth of BRIC economies and rethink its future perspective to face this global challenge. To work as a fuel to the matter, the GDP rate of UK was recorded to be $1.5, while on the context the GDP ratings for BRIC economies were standing at a height of $5.2, $4.3, $8.5 and $6.8 respectively in 2007 and is estimated to be $2.0 for UK, $3.1 for Brazil, $3.2 for Russia, $5.0 for India and $4.6 for China. Therefore it can be seen, in both the periodââ¬â¢s figures are in favour of BRIC nations and certainly at a high volume compared to UK. As such, the concern regarding BRIC economies are quite justified (Hawksworth & Cookson, 2008). The world economic power for a long period of time had been concentrated upon three powerful economic regions i.e. USA, Japan and European Union. These three are recognised as Triad Region. The power of economy has with time been spread across the world and has transpired in the hands of the BRIC countries. The power shift of economies to be noted is not only affecting UK economy but it is also changing the prospects of other developed western economies like USA, Canada, and Australia. But the reason why only UK economy is under so much pressure is because of the fact that at the initial stage when all the other economies were on a mindset to enjoy the mounting opportunities served by these
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Permit Processing on Mercer Island Essay Example for Free
Permit Processing on Mercer Island Essay The rapidly increasing population and land use is one of the significant yet phenomenal challenges in todayââ¬â¢s public administration. Accompanied by the spatial utilization and maintenance is the urban planning and management as one of the functionalities of city administrators in dealing with the simultaneous increase of land use, wherein various types of uses demands a particular place within the city limits. Relevantly, the expansive modality of business districts or areas must be complemented with a system or process as a procedure in obtaining of permits to operate a business is necessary and required. Thus, the system or process is needed to ensure the systematic flow of urban zoning. In this regard, the city administration must work on how permit processing would respond to the aspectual needs of the population without hampering the sustainable community development. Dealing with urban-community issues tackles various considerations in the processing of business permits, such as organizational functions of city administration must be streamlined through conduct of dialogues and campaigns in the implementation processes. This procedure is one of the components in public administration where urban-community issues must be resolved. In Mercer Island, the city manager have studied the situation in permit processing and found the significant action of implementing the system or process that is meeting both administrative functions of the city government and the demands of the residents. The implementing programs of permit processing in Mercer Island could have found the breakthrough of a procedure in public administration. This paper will account the discussion of multifaceted issues that significantly drawn the decisiveness of city managers in administering Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s public administration programs. Methodology The result of the case study, entitled: ââ¬ËPermit Processing on Mercer Islandââ¬â¢, conducted by Judith Noble as her Masterââ¬â¢s Degree thesis at the Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington and published by The Electronic Hallway in 1996 will be the derivative of the literature review, taking into account the issues, actors and organizational forces that have been depicted in the public administration of Mercer Island. Likewise, additional literatures will revalidate the presentation or exhibition of data reflective of the conducted case study. Literature Review City overview: history and township Mercer Island was named after the Mercer Brothers who explored the place while on food gathering and subsequently first established a non-native settlement at the north-west side of the island in 1870s. The settlement has thoroughly expanded to the north-east side of the island and known as the East Seattle where became famous of the Calkins Hotel as a landmark of commercial land use in 1889 (Mercer Island Historical Society, 2006). In 1908, the East Seattle have grown with residential and business population, wherein the urbanization was largely developed from 1930s towards 1940s when a floating bridge was built that reached towards its state of Washington as the nearby area of commerce (City Government of Mercer Island, 2008) Presently, Mercer Island is a highly urbanized city being established from the 1960 incorporation and 1970 merging of north-western and eastern municipalities that has been fully developed as a business district of Seattle with 23, 894 population (US Census Bureau, 2007). Brief background of the issues As manifested by the continuously growing population and developing commercial zones, the city administration of Mercer Island has employed its ways and means in the processing of business permits. In 1996, the Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s City Manager Paul Lanspery was persevered to act on the result of a report that has been commissioned and studied the status of community development. As cited, the tremendous increase of land use has been attributed to the establishment of businesses, in which even residential areas diversify into commercial use. The situation could become a perennial problem to the majority of the residents as well as the natural environment may soon marginalize and disintegrate by the potential pollution (Noble, 1996). On the other hand, Lanspery was worried of the ââ¬Å"systems thinkingâ⬠of the city administration, wherein the processing of business permit application must be reviewed in order to assess the public administration and accountability of the city government and its employees, as there were ââ¬Å"pressure groupsâ⬠from the residents that advocates the call in preserving the city from further commercial development. The personal, organizational and external forcesà Reflecting on the report on community development and through the conducted on-site observation, Lanspery was motivated by his personal beliefs on ââ¬Å"continuous improvementâ⬠(Noble, 1996). It may be interpreted that Lansperyââ¬â¢s personal belief could be an ââ¬Å"internal motivating forceâ⬠; reclaiming ââ¬Å"continuous improvementâ⬠of Mercer Island is achieving sustainable development in the community. Based on the conducted on-site survey, Lanspery has brought the organizational accountability of the city government to objectively see and find the perspective of Mercer Island amidst its commercial diversification. The land use of the residents must be coupled with responsibilities in nurturing and protecting the environment. Hence, the city government must actualize the administration of public interest to preserve the natural habitation of the island without hampering the on-going business activities of the city. It may be summarized that Lansperyââ¬â¢s personal belief of continuous improvement retains the organizational accountability of the city government as the external force in implementing sustainable means, instead of sustaining an intensive ââ¬Å"environmental changeâ⬠that in fact deface the natural beauty of Mercer Island. To cite, preserving Mercer Island culture and natural environment is a challenge to its city government in improving sustainable business operation and administering of its investors in a participatory process, adhering efficiency, quality and commitment (Noble, 1996). The environment and public administration According to the case study, the topography of Mercer Island is not suitable for high-rise buildings and definitely limited to horizontal construction. On the other hand, the windy atmosphere of the Island is susceptible to fire-igniting materials, like the fire tragedy in 1889 that burned-flat the fire-prone Calkins Hotel. The topography of Mercer Island has been critically considered in the implementing guidelines of the city government, as a response to mitigate environmental risks and preservation of the environment from potential threats of commercial abuse. The public administration has organized a team of diverse technical expertise that composes the building department personnel who will evaluate the application of permits for residential and business or commercial land use. To cite, the government has likewise regulated a countless permit application for construction of small structure and land use projects, taking into account an estimated of 70 percent from the total 1,300 permits being issued yearly (Noble, 1996). The public administration in the issuance of permits was consistent in the implementation of environmental protection programs and risk mitigating measures, such as to cite the intensive evaluation and qualification procedures on application of mechanical permits for installing furnace pipes, plumbing, hot tub and lawn sprinkler systems, electrical wiring, and even burglar security and fire alarms. Part of the revenue collection campaigns were also managed by the city government on penalties and fines from illegal permit fixers, violators of health and safety guidelines, and other proceeds from residential construction permits acquisition (Noble, 1996). Nature of policy system and processes of policy and decision making It may be reflected that the decentralization of local government units or city governments have been enacted as part of streamlining the Federal bureaucracy system, devolving the powers of the local government executives in executing the municipal or city programs and projects. In which case, the city government of Mercer Island is spearheaded by the executive function of the Mayor, the legislative power of the city council and the city manager who is mandated to act in administering the township development. The enactment of land use policies were outlined in the ââ¬Å"check and balanceâ⬠configuration of area implementation. Specifically, the city manager headed the tangible implementing procedure of the Department of community Development that enjoined the technical maintenance, engineering and the public safety programs. Part of a functional public administration and transparent decision making process is the conduct of public dialogues that has been initiated by the City Council, expediting the legislative process and synergy among the council membership. To cite, the legislative function of the city council reaches out the public concern in terms of interpreting the city codes and ordinances. The city council has even organized citizen boards and commissions to enable a transparent and community-participatory undertaking of relevant issues on land use and the city governmentââ¬â¢s public administration functions, like the creation and establishment of the Building Board of Appeals that act as a quasi-judicial body, examining and interpreting the technical description, meaning and implementation of the ââ¬Å"building codeâ⬠as the ethical parameter in the land use policies. Leadership, management and administrative ethics It may be found that what has been highlighted in the case study is the decisiveness of Paul Lanspery, being the city manager, who persevered the undertaking of necessary public administration processes and fully utilizing the organizational elements of the city government. The overall representation of the case study [according to the literature review] has also found Lansperyââ¬â¢s ideals, having the personal beliefs of continuous improvement of Mercer Island. The personal beliefs could be perceived to have influenced the systems thinking, character-values and governance. Lansperyââ¬â¢s position as part of the ââ¬Å"politico-personaâ⬠in the executive function of the City Mayorââ¬â¢s Office, wherein city management emanated its mandate or functions, has contributed to ââ¬Å"streamline the systemâ⬠. Based on the case study, it may be recalled that organizational dysfunction has threatened to be a problem of the City Council in implementing the ordinances or enforcement of the building code and policies on land use. As cited, such problems pertain to be the (1) deficiency in coordinating with departments which the city government has established non-substantive change, (2) failure in completing inspections and its technical evaluation results, (3) discrepancy in applying the technical standards of the building code and engineering guidelines (Noble, 1996). To cite and quote Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s City Councilor Fred Jarrett, ââ¬Å"reliability and consistency in dealing with the processing of permits is required for changing a cedar roof to tile for one home but not for anotherâ⬠(Noble, 1996). Meaning, making reliable and consistent the ââ¬Å"way of leadershipâ⬠may require the need of change in the system and processes on how the permit application would be more beneficial and contributory to a decisive public accountability and administration, specifically on sustaining the judicious utilization of the landholdings in Mercer Island. Post activities and findingsà The assumption to office of Paul Lanspery as Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s City Manager has significantly shown with substantial change in the functions of various departments directly involve in the processing of business and residential permits, land use, public safety and order and the cityââ¬â¢s environmental maintenance programs. As a city manager, Lanspery has implemented the organizational system on reporting, evaluation procedures, ethical standards, quality values, effectiveness and efficiency. The implementation of service-value-oriented ethics was the first and foremost organizational procedure employed by Lanspery. The action-oriented response through holding of regular meetings among the personnel of each department was aimed to improving and developing the responsible and accountable execution of task of every working personnel, in which adherent to creating good governance that shall harmonize the public administration. Lanspery has also introduced the ââ¬Å"strategic componentâ⬠of leadership accountability, wherein department managers were directed to participate in ââ¬Å"visioning exercisesâ⬠that would visualize the sustainable needs of the community and specifically to preserve the socio-economic life of Mercer Island from threatening effects of commercial land use. A synergy of public administration has been conceptualized to harmonize the fiscal management of every department. Strategic budget planning, monitoring and auditing system were also established to enable the efficient performance of the city government in its revenue collection and budgeting, and financing of community projects that focuses on improving the socio-economic life of the community. Meanwhile, the judicious implementation of permit processing is complemented with social and judicial sanctions to ensure the importance of law enforcement in mitigating the unlawful land use, being deterrent to commercial abuse of Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s economic resources and environment. At this point in time, the case study has accounted the decisive managerial skill of Lanspery who enabled the ââ¬Å"political willâ⬠of an area manager that prevented the vulnerable exploits of Mercer Island. Through that decisive and dedicated public administration has streamlined the organizational set-up of Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s Department of Community Development (DCD), manifesting a more accountable city government. Conclusion Public administration could be the ethical standard in managing public accountability. The processes and ethics in public administration is a continuing challenge in the dispensation of the local government units and its local executives. Indeed, the political will of the local executive is necessary to supplant the weaknesses and flaws with transparent and good governance. Like Lanspery who have visualized the needs of Mercer Island has not submitted to the disguise of commercial development but reclaims the vision for sustainability. In Lansperyââ¬â¢s oath of office has transpired the vision, mission and goal of the city government as an organization that sustains the socio-economic life of Mercer Island. The collection of revenue from permit processing application, approval and issuances could have been substantial to the coffer of the city government yet vulnerable to irregularities and corruption. The case study on Mercer Islandââ¬â¢s city management depicts the broad understanding of ethics in public administration, enabling effective implementation of key policy programs that accounts the majority interest of the population and its environment. It may be then concluded that public accountability must manifest an unwavering leadership in local governance, whereas devolution of power from the national government must promote the local participation of people towards sustainable development of communities.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Abortion And Murder :: essays research papers fc
Abortion And Murder On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court, in two separate decisions, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, declared that Congress and the states had to adopt a policy on abortion. Since then, abortion has been one of the most controversial issues in our country today. Every time the subject of abortion is raised, the same question always comes up: should people have the right to terminate an unborn child? The answer is no. No person should have the right to terminate an unborn child which has not yet had the chance to live, no matter what the reason is. Abortion is the termination of an alive, unborn child, which can experience pain through the process of an abortion. There is no need to have an abortion when these children could be put up for adoption instead of being Ãâà ±aborted.Ãâà ° Abortion is the termination of alive, unborn children. How can a person decide just when an unborn fetus becomes a person with constitutional rights. Many people disagree when a fetus becomes an actual person, but the truth is that a fetus becomes a person at the time of conception. An article entitled Ãâà ±Pro-lofe and pro-choice? YesÃâà ° says that, Ãâà ±From the moment of conception, the fetus is endowed with all the genetic information that will enable its development into a full human personÃâà ° (Church 108). Technology has advanced very much in the past twenty years and now with the aid of medical technology and the science of fetology, doctors can prove that a fetus is an actual person as early as thirteen weeks of growth (Meyer 62-64). These facts only help to prove that a fetus is an actual person, who deserves the chance to be born. Contrary to belief, a fetus can actually feel pain. The observation of abortions on ultrasound have been very disturbing. So disturbing, that many abortion doctors who have seen the procedure, refuse to participate in abortions again (Meyer 62-64). An article entitled Ãâà ±Fetal positions: Making Abortion rareÃâ à ° reports that, Ãâà ±Bernard Nathanson, a former director of the National Abortion Rights Action League, who performed thousands of abortions, repudiated the practice in the early 1980's after observing the apparent agony of a fetus subjected to a suction-tip abortionÃâà ° (Meyer 62-64). Modern neurology supports the claim that the fetus can experience pain, not just reflex. Reflexive reactions stimulate only the spinal column, but the more complex reactions that stimulate pain occur in the tiny portion of the brain called the thalamus. Abortion And Murder :: essays research papers fc Abortion And Murder On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court, in two separate decisions, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, declared that Congress and the states had to adopt a policy on abortion. Since then, abortion has been one of the most controversial issues in our country today. Every time the subject of abortion is raised, the same question always comes up: should people have the right to terminate an unborn child? The answer is no. No person should have the right to terminate an unborn child which has not yet had the chance to live, no matter what the reason is. Abortion is the termination of an alive, unborn child, which can experience pain through the process of an abortion. There is no need to have an abortion when these children could be put up for adoption instead of being Ãâà ±aborted.Ãâà ° Abortion is the termination of alive, unborn children. How can a person decide just when an unborn fetus becomes a person with constitutional rights. Many people disagree when a fetus becomes an actual person, but the truth is that a fetus becomes a person at the time of conception. An article entitled Ãâà ±Pro-lofe and pro-choice? YesÃâà ° says that, Ãâà ±From the moment of conception, the fetus is endowed with all the genetic information that will enable its development into a full human personÃâà ° (Church 108). Technology has advanced very much in the past twenty years and now with the aid of medical technology and the science of fetology, doctors can prove that a fetus is an actual person as early as thirteen weeks of growth (Meyer 62-64). These facts only help to prove that a fetus is an actual person, who deserves the chance to be born. Contrary to belief, a fetus can actually feel pain. The observation of abortions on ultrasound have been very disturbing. So disturbing, that many abortion doctors who have seen the procedure, refuse to participate in abortions again (Meyer 62-64). An article entitled Ãâà ±Fetal positions: Making Abortion rareÃâ à ° reports that, Ãâà ±Bernard Nathanson, a former director of the National Abortion Rights Action League, who performed thousands of abortions, repudiated the practice in the early 1980's after observing the apparent agony of a fetus subjected to a suction-tip abortionÃâà ° (Meyer 62-64). Modern neurology supports the claim that the fetus can experience pain, not just reflex. Reflexive reactions stimulate only the spinal column, but the more complex reactions that stimulate pain occur in the tiny portion of the brain called the thalamus.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Facts: Precise Engineering Corporation has a contract with Quik Mart Stores to provide customized software for Quikââ¬â¢s inventory control system. Retail Outlets, Inc, Quikââ¬â¢s competitor, induces Sam, a Precise subcontractor who is writing code for the Quik software, to delay delivery of the code for one week. As a result, Preciseââ¬â¢s delivery of the software is delayed, and Quik sustains $500,000 in lost profits. Issue: Whether Retail Outlets willfully interfered with a contractual relationship with Engineering Corporation and Quik Mart Stores; when he wrongfully induced Sam to delay delivery. Rule: Wrongful Interference With a Contractual Relationship occurs when, defendant Knew of contract; defendant intentionally induces breach; and defendant benefits from breach of contract. Analysis: Retail Outlet had to know of contract, because he induced Sam to breach such. Retail Outlet induced Sam to breach contract agreement with Quik Mart Stores. Retail Outlet benefited when Quik Mart Stores lost $500,000.00 in sales. Conclusion: Yes, Retail Outlets willfully interfered with a contractual relationship with Engineering Corporation and Quik Mart Stores; when he wrongfully induced Samto delay delivery. A woman name Elle is stuck and injured by a truck as she is walking alongside a road. This incident took place in here home state of Georgia. The truck who struck her was owned and operated by FDC a company that is incorporated in Delaware. Due the circumstances of this case Elle has couple of options in regards to filing a laws suit for damages. Elleââ¬â¢s first option would beà to file a law suit in her home state of Georgia, because this is where the incident occurred. Due to the Long Arm Statues; Georgia has the authority to exercise personal jurisdiction over FDC, regardless that they do not reside in Georgia. This option would be much more convenient for the plaintiff. Also, Elle has the option of filing the lawsuit in FDCââ¬â¢s state of incorporation. The statute of Long Arms also applies to this scenario and allows the case to be heard in the plaintiffââ¬â¢s home state. This option would not be convenient for the plaintiff, because she would have to drive to Delawa re to file the petition and to attend any court hearings and such. In the event that the plaintiff filed the case in Georgia, the defendant has the right to petition for a removal of the case from the state court and h it transferred to a federal court. The plaintiff can request such, because the case involves a diversity of citizenship between the two parties and the injuries that resulted were greater than $250,000. These two facts meet the basic requirements making this case eligible to be heard by a federal court. This might be a considerable option for the defendant if he is worried about prejudice in court towards his case. The plaintiff Elle is more likely to pursue the first option and file her case in Georgia. Besides this being more convenient for her, in addition, her case might be favored more in court because she is a local resident of the jurisdiction.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Succubus Heat CHAPTER 26
Unfortunately, Roman wasn't entirely joking. ââ¬Å"What are you doing?â⬠I exclaimed when we got back to my apartment. He'd flounced on my couch and promptly grabbed a remote. There was no sign of my car on the street, but if Seth had driven it back, Carter-transportation would have arrived much more quickly. ââ¬Å"I have nowhere to go,â⬠he said mildly. Aubrey strolled out from the bedroom and jumped up next to him. ââ¬Å"You just got amnesty from an archdemon. That's unheard of for a nephilim. I thought you wanted to put down roots? Why don't you go get a place in the suburbs? Work on your lawn?â⬠ââ¬Å"No one wants to live there.â⬠I raked my hand through my hair in exasperation and then immediately rearranged it. God, I'd missed shape-shifting. If I was going to be damned, I might as well enjoy the perks. ââ¬Å"You can't stay here. This place isn't big enough.â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't mind the couch.â⬠I prepped myself for a rant, but then someone knocked at the door. Part of me hoped it would be Seth, even though that was pretty impossible. There was no immortal signature, which meant my visitor was a human. Yes, I'd definitely missed my abilities, even if they had strings attached. I opened the door and found Maddie. ââ¬Å"Hey,â⬠she said cheerily. ââ¬Å"Hey,â⬠I said, not sure I matched her enthusiasm. ââ¬Å"Come in.â⬠She stepped through, then faltered when she saw Roman. ââ¬Å"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt-ââ¬Å" Roman hopped up from the couch. ââ¬Å"No, no. I'm just an old friend. Roman.â⬠He extended his hand. She shifted some papers she was holding and shook his hand in return. Her smile returned. ââ¬Å"I'm Maddie. Nice to meet you.â⬠She turned to me. ââ¬Å"You got a sec? I was on my way to work and wanted to show you something.â⬠She handed the papers over to me. They were in-depth reports of the new condo over on Alki Beach. There were detailed price listings, as well as room-by-room photos of one unit in particular. It wasn't finished yet. The floor was only a foundation, and the drywall wasn't painted. Nonetheless, the pictures were clear and gave a good idea of the spacious layout. One picture showed a balcony that opened up to a breathtaking view of the water and the Seattle skyline beyond. It was nothing like what Seth and I had shared, but it was nice. Roman, peering over my shoulder, let out a low whistle. ââ¬Å"Nice.â⬠I elbowed him out of my personal space. ââ¬Å"Where'd you get these?â⬠Maddie smiled. ââ¬Å"You said you were busy, so I went over there myself and talked to the builder. This is the only one left, and they let me go through and take pictures.â⬠I jerked my head up. ââ¬Å"You took all these?â⬠ââ¬Å"I knew how stressed you were and wanted to help. Look, keep going, and you can see all the options you can still get. There are the floor choices: maple, bamboo, cherryâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I took a deep breath to steady myself. Maddie hadn't just printed out info for me. After all that searching and fine-tuning, she'd actually gone out of her way to assemble an entire dossier on this place, a place I'd just been acknowledging at random to make her feel better. ââ¬Å"They've got a realtor on-site, but you can get your own too,â⬠she continued. ââ¬Å"Someone else was just looking at it, but the guy said if you were interested and put a bid in soon, he'd consider it along with the other person's.â⬠ââ¬Å"Look,â⬠piped in Roman. ââ¬Å"Two bedrooms.â⬠ââ¬Å"Maddieâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I swallowed. ââ¬Å"You shouldn't have done this.â⬠She gave me a quizzical look. ââ¬Å"Why not?â⬠ââ¬Å"It was too much work.â⬠ââ¬Å"Whatever. Besides, after all the stuff you've done for me? Georgina, this is nothing. Are you going to go talk to them? I'll go with you if you want.â⬠I sank down onto the couch, flipping through the pages without really comprehending them. I'd been angry when she and Seth hooked up. I had no right, however. She hadn't known about our past. And if I hadn't been so dead-set on keeping things secret, if she had known Seth and I had dated, I felt absolutely certain she would have never, ever gotten together with him. Because she was my friend. I felt a burning in my eyes and willed myself not to cry. I didn't entirely know what I'd done to deserve that kind of friendship. She was a good person. She believed the best in me-just as Seth did. In this dark phase, Seth had never given up on me. Both of them were so good, so kind. And at the end of the day, there really wasn't much of that among humans. Carter had said that if there were no other complications in the world, I would be the one Seth chose. But we did have complications. I still refused to hurt him because of sex, and that problem was now in full effect again. He'd thrown himself into danger for me on the beach. There would always be danger with the life I led-danger for him, not me. I wanted him badly, wanted to reestablish what we'd had, but if I did, I'd only be subjecting him to more of this rollercoaster existence. I'd deny him a normal life, a normal love. I couldn't do that to him, no matter what he said about trying it again. Just because things don't work out, it doesn't mean there aren't other people you can't love. Love is too big a thing for you to go without it in life. At least for humans it was. I wanted Seth and Maddie to have that. I wanted them to have the dream I couldn't have. Maddie's expression softened as she peered at me. ââ¬Å"Why are you looking at me like that?â⬠I swallowed and gave her smile. ââ¬Å"Just still amazed you did all this.â⬠ââ¬Å"Will you go take a look?â⬠she asked excitedly. ââ¬Å"Yeah. I will.â⬠This earned me a hug and a smile, and then she had to scurry off to work. I sat back down on the couch, papers still clutched in my hands. Roman sat down opposite me. ââ¬Å"You're going to end it, aren't you?â⬠His voice was surprisingly gentle. ââ¬Å"With Mortensen?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah. I mean, I knew we would, but it didn't hit me until just now. We were deluding ourselvesâ⬠¦caught up by a temporary situation. They deserve to be with each other, and I shouldn't have done what I did to her.â⬠I sighed. ââ¬Å"Nyx tricked me with the dream. It wasn't real.â⬠Without thinking much about it, I rested my hand on my stomach. Even if there'd been any chance of getting pregnant while in stasis, it was gone now. ââ¬Å"It might be real for them, though.â⬠Roman looked so pained, so sympathetic that it was hard to imagine he still wanted to kill me. Though I was pretty sure he did. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Sorry you can't have your man and your daughter. I'm even sorry you can't have your cats.â⬠I glanced over at where Aubrey slept, recalling the tortoiseshell cat from the dream. ââ¬Å"Well, I think she's happier being an only child anyway.â⬠Seth showed up later that evening. Roman was mercifully gone, off to buy groceries. No matter my protests, he seemed intent on staying with me. I thought about complaining to Jerome but was pretty sure my boss wouldn't appreciate such a petty concern right now. If he was still even my boss. I was taking no news as good news for now. Seth handed me my car keys as he walked in. ââ¬Å"It's out behind the building.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thanks.â⬠ââ¬Å"Sorry I took off like that. I didn't want toâ⬠¦God, that was so hard.â⬠ââ¬Å"It was what I wanted,â⬠I told him. We stood a couple feet apart, hesitant to get much closer. ââ¬Å"I'm glad you listened to me.â⬠ââ¬Å"I wasn't going to, you know. As soon as I got off the phone with that demon-and let me tell you, that was weird-I was going to head right back, andâ⬠¦I don't know. I don't know what I would have done. I would have stood by you.â⬠ââ¬Å"You could have gotten yourself killed.â⬠He shrugged, like that was inconsequential. ââ¬Å"I did actually head back, and thenâ⬠¦then I saw Dante.â⬠I crossed my arms, still fearful about approaching him, largely because I was afraid I'd throw myself at him. ââ¬Å"I knew that's what you'd done. But why? You don't like him. You know what kind of person he is.â⬠Seth nodded. ââ¬Å"I don't like him, butâ⬠¦they would have killed him, wouldn't they?â⬠I thought about Jerome, that cold and barely repressed anger in his eyes. He'd been pissed off, and I knew it must have killed him to not be able to take his wrath out on Grace. There were taboos about directly harming and interfering with mortals, but well, it wasn't unheard of, and there were always loopholes. He would have gotten in less trouble for it than for smiting Grace. ââ¬Å"Well,â⬠I said, ââ¬Å"let's just say, they would have at least made him suffer considerably.â⬠ââ¬Å"I figured. And I couldn't let that happenâ⬠¦not even to him. What he did was wrong-it seriously messed things up for you and put you at risk. But in some bizarre, crazy way, he did it because he loved you. And I'm not sure someone should be tortured for that. Andâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Seth studied me carefully. ââ¬Å"I had a feeling you wouldn't have wanted that.â⬠He was right. No matter how much I'd been hurt, despite the betrayalâ⬠¦I had cared about Dante. I still did a little. ââ¬Å"God, I have to stop getting involved with unstable men. Where is he now?â⬠ââ¬Å"I dropped him off at his place. He started coming around and was able to walk and everything.â⬠ââ¬Å"If he has any sense, he'll be long gone. I think Jerome'll have a long memory.â⬠ââ¬Å"And, soâ⬠¦things are back to normal?â⬠I took awhile to answer. ââ¬Å"Yeah. I'm back in full succubus glory.â⬠He turned away and began pacing. ââ¬Å"I knew it would happenâ⬠¦knew this was coming, and yetâ⬠¦I kept pretending it wouldn't.â⬠ââ¬Å"Me too. I think somewhere in my head, I had this fantasy that I could find Jerome and still be with you.â⬠Seth stopped and looked at me. ââ¬Å"We still can be. I meant what I saidâ⬠¦that I would try againâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I met his gaze levelly. ââ¬Å"What about Maddie?â⬠ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦I would end it with herâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Do you love her?â⬠My words were blunt. I think I caught him by surprise. ââ¬Å"Yesâ⬠¦but it's different. Different from the way I love you.â⬠ââ¬Å"It doesn't matter,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"You and I can't be together. If you have a chance to be happy, then you need to take it. We can't do this to her again. It's wrong. She doesn't deserve it.â⬠ââ¬Å"I told you I'd end things with her first if we were getting back together. I can't cheat anymore.â⬠ââ¬Å"You can't break up,â⬠I said, surprised by the vehemence in my own voice. ââ¬Å"She loves you. You love her. And after what we did to herâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"You want me to stay with her as some sort of compensation?â⬠I balked. ââ¬Å"Well, noâ⬠¦not exactly. But you guys deserve each other. You deserve to be happy. And you aren't ever going to be happy with me. It's going to always be up and down-just like before.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm starting to think all relationships are like that,â⬠he said wearily. ââ¬Å"I still don't want to hurt you. I can't stand that-I can't forget what Hugh said, about how that would destroy you. And yetâ⬠¦something keeps pulling us back. I told you-we're never going to be able to stay apart.â⬠I knew exactly what he meant, but I didn't say so. ââ¬Å"I thought ending things before would fix all that, that the short-term pain would be worth the long-term stability. But I was wrong. We just found a whole new set of problems, and Maddie's in the middle. I'm willing to try againâ⬠¦no matter how hard it is.â⬠ââ¬Å"You were right to end it with us,â⬠I said harshly. ââ¬Å"And I'm not willing to do it again.â⬠He stared at me, shocked. My words were a lie, of course. Part of me wanted to try again, to endure anything to be with him. But I couldn't stop thinking about Maddie. Couldn't stop thinking about the hurt she would go through. It was ironic, really. Last time, he'd gone out of his way to hurt me purposely because it was for the greater good. Now I was doing the same for both of them, saving her from heartache and him from more grief with me. We were in an endless cycle. ââ¬Å"You can't mean that. I know you can't.â⬠His face was a mixture of incredulity and pain. I shook my head. ââ¬Å"I do. You and me are a disaster. What we did during this stasisâ⬠¦it was wrong. It was disgraceful. Immoral. We betrayed someone who loves both of us, who wishes nothing but the best for us. How could we do that? What kind of precedent is that? How could we expect to have a solid relationship that was built on that sort of sordid foundation? One that was built on lies and deceit?â⬠Saying those words hurt. It was tarnishing the beauty of these precious few days we had, but I needed to make my case. Seth was silent for several moments as he assessed me. ââ¬Å"You're serious.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes.â⬠I was a good liar, good enough that the person who loved me most couldn't tell. ââ¬Å"Go back to her, Seth. Go back to her and make it up to her.â⬠ââ¬Å"Georginaâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I could see it, see it hitting him. The full weight of betraying Maddie was sinking in. His nature couldn't ignore the wrong he'd done. It was part of his good character, the character that had gone back to save Dante, the character that was going to make him leave me. Again. Hesitantly, he extended his hand to me. I took it, and he pulled me into an embrace. ââ¬Å"I will always love you.â⬠My heart was going to burst. How many times, I wondered, could I endure this kind of agony? ââ¬Å"No, you won't,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"You'll move on. So will I.â⬠Seth left not long after that. Staring at the door, I replayed my own words. You'll move on. So will I. In spite of how much he loved me, how much he was willing to risk, I truly felt he'd go back to Maddie, that he'd believe what I said. I'd driven home the guilt, made it trump his love for me. You'll move on. So will I. The unfortunate part about being a good liar, however, was that while I could get other people to believe my words, I didn't believe them myself.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper essays
Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper essays The Last of the Mohicans, a novel written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1826, details the lives of French, English, and native Americans during the early American colonial period. Set in North America, the novel discusses the conflict among races and nationality: English battling against the French forces, and native Americans battling for their territory over the two colonizers (French and English). The novel, more than a work of literature, is also a historical account of the lives of native Americans, the positive and negative members of its race, and the complex situation they faced when they were "dispossessed" by the colonizers. History determines the events surrounding the novel to have happened during the French and Indian Wars, which lasted for seventy-five years (1698-1763). The historical period where the events in the novel take place is characterized by "[m]assacres and scalpings traditional conceptions of honor yielded to the exigencies of the forests British and French combat was no longer a source of national unity but a divisive conflict in which loyalties were compromised and cultural values repeatedly transgressed" Apart from being a period of native American displacement and colonial rule, the Mohicans also confronts the issue of "Puritan New England," where race and culture takes a secondary priority over the issue of religious differences. In the novel, Cooper also depicts conflict between native Americans and its colonizers, particularly the English, where the latter experiences conflict and disagreement with the "savage ways" of the former, due to their primitive and pagan-like form of worship. Cooper's Mohicans, in consideration with all the important events that occurred as discussed above, is an example of a series of "Leatherstocking Tales," which depicts life and society in early America, particularly the dynamic con...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Unraveling the Mystery of Capitalizing French Titles
Unraveling the Mystery of Capitalizing French Titles First of all, you wouldnt put lumià ¨re (light) in all caps, as we did in the subhead above, just to make a point. There are, indeed, rules to follow, and you shouldnt capitalize French titles willy-nilly. English speakers should understand that the capitalization of titles and names in French and English exhibit several differences, all of which involve words that are capitalized in English but not in French. This means there is, by and large, less capitalization in French than there is in English.à In English, the first word of a proper title and all subsequent words, except short articles, conjunctions and prepositions, are capitalized. The rules are more complicated in French, and the table below examines three schools of thought regarding French capitalization of titles and names*.à Standard Capitalization In French, capitalization depends on the position and the grammatical function of the words in the title. The first word is always capitalized. If the first word is an article or otherà determiner, the first noun and any adjectives that precede it are capitalized, like this: Trois Contes Un Cur simple Le Petit Robert Le Nouveau Petit Robert Le Bon Usage Le Progrs de la civilisation au XXe sicle If the title consists of two words or phrases of equal value, they are considered co-titles and each one is capitalized according to the above rules, as in: Guerre et Paix Julie ou La Nouvelle Hà ©loà ¯se This systemà is used in Le Petit Robert, Le Quid, and throughout the Dictionnaire de citations franà §aises. Le Bon Usage, considered the bible of French grammar,à briefly discusses an inconsistency in the capitalization of titles. It does not mention the system above, but it does list the systems in 2. and 3. below. Important-Nounà Capitalization In this system, the first word and any important nouns are capitalized, like this: Trois Contes Un Cur simple Le petit Robert Le nouveau petit Robert Le bon Usage Le Progrs de la Civilisation au XXe sicle Le Bon Usageà states that system 2. is more common than 3. and uses it in its own bibliography. Sentence Capitalization In this system, only the first word of the title is capitalized (except proper nouns, which are always capitalized). Trois contes Un cur simple Le petit Robert Le nouveau petit Robert Le bon usage Le progrs de la civilisation au XXe sicle A number of websites use this system, crediting it either to the MLA Handbookà or to normes ISOà (norms of the International Organization for Standardization).à It is difficult to find any official online documentation for either of these sources. If you look at the spines of a few dozen French books, you will see capitalization is split about 50-50 between Important Noun Capitalization and Sentence Capitalization.à In the end, what will probably work best is toà decide which system works best for you, and stick with it consistently.à Proper nouns, as we mentioned above, are not affected by these capitalization systems; they always follow their own rules of capitalization. *Capitalization of Surnames French surnames (family names)à are often capitalized in their entirety, especially in bibliographies and administrative documents, like this: Gustave FLAUBERT Camara LAYE Jean de LA FONTAINE Antoine de SAINT-EXUPÃâ°RY
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Centripetal Force Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Centripetal Force - Lab Report Example t is made sure that the position of the cross arm and radial indicator allows the mass to hang directly over the indicator when the spring is released. The diameter of the shaft and the distance from the shaft to the indicator are then measured and recorded. Hand is then used to spin the shaft until the hanging weight passes directly over the indicator. With the radius held constant, the time taken by 50 revolutions is recorded. From this, frequency of the motion can be determined and hence centripetal force on the mass. To determine the actual force required to stretch the spring enough to hold the weight over the indicator, a string is connected to the mass and passed over to the pulley. Weights are then added to the end of the string until the mass is positioned over the indicator. The value of force obtained will be correct and can be used in calculating the uncertainty in the value of centripetal
Friday, November 1, 2019
Introduction to Psychology ( Discuss Quesition ) Essay
Introduction to Psychology ( Discuss Quesition ) - Essay Example Many crucial links are available to determine which type of personality a person chooses to have. Generally, the demarcations between and extrovert and an introvert are established through many factors like the overall levels of energy available and can also be attributed to certain physiological differences in the brain. Apart from that, the surrounding environment and the nature of the parental brought up also decides the levels of sociability of an individual in life. People choose to stay in battering situation when they are either scared of the offender or believe that the batterer is actually correct and knows what they are doing. Financial dependency, social norms, emotional voids, religious and cultural obligations, loneliness, etc are some of the reasons that draw people into the ââ¬ËStockholmââ¬â¢ or the ââ¬ËHostageââ¬â¢ syndrome. A general sense of fear, the presence of unreasonable false gratitude accompanied with a total lack of awareness that help is available are some of the other reasons that explain this. Therefore, a personality flaw, as a defense mechanism, develops more often than not as a result of holding on to the batterer and continuously suffering and may not be the principal cause of staying in a battering relationship. Learned helplessness increases the probability of a person staying in a battering relationship, as the person involved is already predisposed towards a feeling of utter helplessness and
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